ASET Colloquium

Communications Technologies for 2020 and Beyond: An Energy-Efficient Perspective with Application to Automation

by Prof. Vijay Bhargava (University of British Columbia, Vancouver)

Monday, February 22, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-66

By the year 2020, Fifth Generation (5G) wireless networks are expected to provide a new paradigm over the existing networks. The targets for 5G include: 10,000 times increase in traffic data, 10-100 times more devices, low latency in the order of 1msec, more uniform coverage providing a minimum of 1Gbps for every user, flexible operation in different radio access technologies, reliable end-to-end performance, low cost and energy efficient design. As in 5G networks millions more base stations are expected to serve the users, one of the significant design considerations is achieving better performance with smart energy consumption. In this presentation, firstly we present an overview of the existing scenario on energy consumption in base stations. Next, we introduce energy-efficient research approaches for different types of system and network architectures of 5G. We present energy-efficient designs for multi-tier heterogeneous networks including cell association, resource allocation and wireless backhaul bandwidth allocation. Then we present an overview of device-to-device communication systems. The talk concludes with an overview of the application of these technologies to Automation with emphasis on Internet of Things (IOT, sometimes Internet of Everything) to automation and the challenge presented by 50 billion “connected” devices by 2020.

About the Speaker:

Vijay K. Bhargava received his BASc, MASc and PhD degrees from Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada in 1970, 1972 and 1974, respectively. Currently he is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, where he served as Department Head during 2003-2008. Previously he was with the University of Victoria (1984-2003), Concordia University (1976-1984), the University of Waterloo (1976) and the Indian Institute of Science (1974-1975). He is an Honorary Professor at UESTC, Chengdu and a Gandhi Distinguished Professor at IIT Bombay. 

Vijay is best known for his works on digital, wireless and satellite communications. He has published over 250 refereed journal papers and 300 refereed conference papers and has co-authored/co-edited 6 books. He is listed in the highly cited ( attesting to the widespread influence his research has had on both theory and practice of communication systems. In recognition of his distinguished contributions to scholarly research, he has been awarded several major awards and honors including the recent 2015 Killam Award, one of Canada’s most distinguished research awards. 

Vijay is very active in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and has served as the President of the IEEE Communications Society and the IEEE Information Theory Society. He played a major role in the creation of several IEEE conferences and a prestigious IEEE periodical. He has been invited to 67 countries to deliver talks about his visionary research. He is a Fellow of IEEE and the Royal Society of Canada, and has received major awards for his teaching, leadership and service to the scientific communities.
Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette
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