ASET Colloquium

Making of Astrosat

by Mr. Suryanarayana Sarma K. (Project Director, ASTROSAT; Deputy Director, MDA, ISAC Bangalore)

Friday, January 22, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-66
ASTROSAT is India’s first dedicated astronomical mission. Launch of ASTROSAT has not only marked the strong presence of India in the field of Astronomy but has also provided Researchers across the globe a completely new platform for simultaneous multi-wavelength observation of cosmic sources. This talk will bring out the glimpse of the making of one of the country’s most ambitious space programme. The talk will cover the concept of evolution and realization of ASTROSAT. It includes brief description of all the systems, processes and measures involved in the development, test and evaluation of the spacecraft. The talk will also touch upon the challenges encountered and the agencies involved in the realization of the spacecraft.

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Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette
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