DCMPMS Seminars

Hole qubit in Silicon “CMOS” transistor

by Dr. Dharmraj Kotekar Patil (Post-doc. at CEA Grenoble)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG80
Silicon, material which drives the microprocessor chip industry is emerging as a promising candidate for material of choice for realization of quantum processors. Due to well established CMOS technology, silicon has an additional advantage for development of scalable quantum computing architectures. In this talk, I will discuss about hole spin qubit in silicon device fabricated on industrial-standard process. Device is a dual gate p-type transistor. At low temperature, a double quantum dot is formed by using the two gates where spin information is encoded in one quantum dot whereas the second quantum dot is used as a qubit read-out. Electrical control of hole spin qubit is achieved by microwave modulation of one gate. Our result opens a viable path to qubit scaling up by exploiting the CMOS platform.