ASET Colloquium

Auditory illusions and musicality

by Mr. Mandar Phatak (DBS, TIFR, Mumbai)

Friday, September 9, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-66
The brain processes sensory inputs to create an understanding of the
surroundings or the 'reality'. An illusion is something that baffles the
brain so as to result in a misinterpretation of this 'reality'. Illusions
have become an important part of our life; from LED displays to surround
sound. Illusions expose the ways in which our brain tries to find trends,
to generalise vast input information to allow fast decision making.
Auditory illusions have been a subject of immense interest amongst
scientists studying auditory perception and cognition, and, has led to
many important discoveries that have improved our understanding greatly.

In this talk, I will talk about auditory illusions and what we know about
auditory perception through them. Further, I will talk about musicality
and try to argue how auditory illusions share a deep connect with

About the Speaker:

Mandar Phatak is a Research Scholar in Prof. Mahendra Sonawane's lab at
TIFR and is a recipient of SPM fellowship by CSIR. He is a Hindustani
classical vocalist and was awarded the National scholarship by the
Ministry of Culture, Government of India during 2012-2014. Mandar is a
runner up in a national competition organised by the All India Radio. He
performed at many prestigious venues including the NCPA.
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