ASET Colloquium

The ICAL magnet at the India based Neutrino Observatory

by Prof. V.M. Datar, Nuclear Physics Division, BARC and Prof. M.S. Bhatia, Laser & Plasma Technology Division, BARC

Friday, August 28, 2009 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
The most visible component of the proposed Iron Calorimeter for atmospheric neutrino measurements at the India based Neutrino Observatory is the 50 kiloton electromagnet. While this will probably be the largest room temperature magnet in the world its design and construction in the underground laboratory is a challenging task. In the first part of the Colloquium the physics requirements expected from the magnet will be discussed and its complementarity with other neutrino detectors elsewhere highlighted. The second part of the Colloquium will focus on the effort towards development and deployment issues related to the ICAL electromagnet. This will include simulation, material issues, design and standardization. The experience gained from the prototype ICAL magnet will be presented. 
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