Theoretical Physics Colloquium

Induced QCD with two auxiliary bosons

by Prof. Tilo Wettig (University of Regensburg, Germany)

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Zoom
In lattice QCD and other field theories, several important problems cannot be solved due to sign problems, unless a reformulation of the theory can be found. In such "dual formulations", the gauge action can be "induced" by minimally coupling auxiliary degrees of freedom to the gauge field. Previous methods required extrapolations to infinite number of auxiliary fields. A novel method, proposed by Budczies and Zirnbauer, requires only a small number of auxiliary bosons. By a combination of analytical and numerical methods, we show that their method induces Yang-Mills theory in the continuum limit. We refine limits on the parameters, match the bare parameters of the induced gauge theory to the standard lattice coupling,and take steps towards a new dual formulation of lattice QCD.