ASET Colloquium

From ladders to cassettes: Silicon detector activities at TIFR

by Prof. Gagan Mohanty (DHEP, TIFR Mumbai), Mr. Kameshwar Rao K. (DHEP, TIFR Mumbai)

Friday, April 8, 2022 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Online ( )
Science and instrumentation are intimately connected. Quite often, fundamental breakthroughs in the field of particle physics have been achieved through cutting edge instrumentation, mostly led by silicon-based detectors. Taking this legacy forward, the silicon-strip vertex detector (SVD) of the Belle II experiment at KEK and the high-granularity calorimeter (HGCal) of the CMS experiment at CERN are expected to shed light on the unresolved mysteries of Nature. This colloquium will provide a glimpse of the SVD and HGCal related activities pursued at TIFR, with a focus on how we have successfully faced various engineering challenges during design, prototyping, and construction of these advanced detectors.
Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette