ASET Colloquium

Applications and Advances in PC-based Instrumentation : An Integrated Hardware and Software approach

by Mr. Mithilesh Pradhan (Technical Consultant, National Instruments, India)

Friday, December 10, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
Complexity of applications in research is pushing technology to its limits. With the great number of questions for which we are still seeking answers, the instrumentation used in every domain of fundamental research needs continuous advancement. With changing technology over the decades, the concept of instrumentation has also taken on a new definition. From traditional transducer based measurement instruments of the past to Virtual or Computer based Instrumentation with adoption of newer technologies such as FPGA and Real time, a sea change has occurred in the world of Data Acquisition and instrumentation over time. 

This talk will cover some complex instrumentation, acquisition and control systems implemented in Research in the domains of Nuclear Physics, Big Physics, Biological and Chemical Applications and Astronomy across the world and will give an insight into the technology behind each of these applications. Furthermore, evolving software and hardware technology, the increasing role of a powerful software in instrumentation and the future of Data Acquisition and instrumentation will also be covered. 
Organised by Satyanarayana Bheesette