Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

Probing the intergalactic medium with hydrogen 21-cm radiation

by Dr. Raghunath Ghara (The Open University of Israel)

Tuesday, November 29, 2022 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Online ( Online ) Meeting ID: 943 0292 4464 Passcode: 052774
The redshifted 21-cm signal from the intergalactic medium (IGM) neutral hydrogen is the most promising probe of the Epoch of Reionization. It has the ability to reveal many of unknown facts about this epoch such as properties of the early sources of radiation, thermal and ionization states of the IGM. Radio telescopes such as LOFAR, MWA, HERA are providing stronger upper limits on the 21-cm power spectrum. I will be talking about this probe and how these measurements are used to infer the states of the IGM as well as the properties of the first sources that formed during that period.
Organised by DAA