School of Mathematics Seminars and Lectures
Periodicity in filtrations of mod p representations of GL_2(F_q)
by Dr. Arindam Jana (TIFR)
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
at AG-77
at AG-77
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Abstract: The irreducible mod $p$ representations of ${GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$ are exactly the twists of $V_r,$ the $r$-th symmetric power of the standard representations of ${GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$ for small values of $r.$ In this talk, for sufficiently large $r,$ we investigate the periodicity in a filtration of $V_r$ defined by the powers of the polynomial $\theta:=X^pY-XY^p,$ motivated by a classical result of Glover. Ghate and Vangala studied the periodicity of the higher quotients in the filtration of $V_r$ using generalized dual numbers. We strengthen their result by defining an explicit isomorphism between these quotients of $V_r$ and generalized mod $p$ principal series representations using differential operators, and extend it to ${GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)$ for $q=p^f, f\geq 1.$ In search of a similar periodicity result in case of cuspidal representations, Reduzzi proved that the reduction mod $p$ of a cuspidal representation of ${GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)$ is isomorphic to the cokernel of a differential operator on $V_r$ defined by Serre. This isomorphism is proved using crystalline cohomology and is not explicit. We define this isomorphism explicitly after tensoring with $V_{q-1.}$ This work is joint with Eknath Ghate. |
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