Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

The variability and the geometry of Neutron Star binaries

by Dr. Yash Bhargava (TIFR)

Thursday, July 13, 2023 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Hybrid ( A 269 ) Meeting ID: 963 5811 5295 Passcode: 700240
Neutron Star X-ray binaries form a class of one of the most intriguing laboratories in the Universe. The extreme compactness and a high magnetic field of these sources provide an unique testbed for various physical models and thus observing these sources is paramount to investigate the processes inherent in these systems. In this talk, I will discuss our recent works using observations of different kinds of Neutron Star X-ray binaries to study their properties. In particular, I focus on the spectral, timing and the polarimetric properties in X-ray wavelengths (using AstroSat, NICER and IXPE) to investigate the variability of different spectral components and the geometry of the emitting regions.
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