ASET Colloquium

Cure of heart rhythm disturbances

by Dr. Yash Lokhandwala (Partner, Arrhythmia Associates Adjunct Professor, Biomedical Engineering, IIT Mumbai)

Friday, November 13, 2009 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
The heart is a pump that performs the vital job of circulating 
blood throughout the body. One of the several abnormalities encountered in 
the cardiac functioning is fast heart rhythms i.e. tachycardia. 
Tachycardia could manifest through various mechanisms like re-entry, 
abnormal automaticity and triggered activity. The treatment of this 
condition is preceded and involves study of the normal conduction system 
by recording of intracardiac signals, maneuvers to define & identify 
precise tachycardia mechanisms. This then is followed by the initiation 
and termination of tachycardia by programmed electrical stimulation. 

In this talk I shall discuss about a procedure, radio-frequency ablation, 
which has been used in treatment and successful management of fast heart 
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