Wednesday Colloquia

The Telescope in the Ice: A View of High Energy Universe From the South Pole

by Prof. Albrecht Karle (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA)

Wednesday, December 6, 2023 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-66 and via ZOOM webinar ( Zoom link: )
Meeting ID: 979 6325 9354 Pass code: 04072020
The Universe has been explored using visible light since the dawn of astronomy. 
I will report on a new type of astronomy with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole.  IceCube has transformed a  cubic kilometer of natural Antarctic ice into a giant neutrino detector. At extremely high energies the Universe is no longer transparent to photons but it is to neutrinos - and there are many of them.  This allows for a unique new way of astronomy. IceCube has observed energetic neutrinos coming from a nearby galaxy, 50 million light years away. Most recently, close to home, we have seen our own Milky Way in neutrinos. I will report on the fascinating results collected in the deep ice at the South Pole, and about the incredible journey to do science at such an extreme location.