DCMPMS Seminars

Single photon induced instabilities in an electromechanical device based on a transmon qubit.

by Prof. Vibhor Singh (IISc Bengaluru)

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Venue: D406, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87363981348 Passcode: c#0bQ5
Cavity-optomechanical systems are extensively used for sensing and controlling
the vibrations of a mechanical mode down to their quantum limit. The nonlinear
radiation-pressure interaction in these systems could result in an unstable response

of the mechanical resonator showing features such as frequency-combs, period-
doubling bifurcations and chaos. However, due to small light-matter coupling

rates, typically these effects appear at very high driving strengths. In this talk, we
address if the optical mode can be engineered to show these effects down to a
single photon.
I will present some results from our recent experiments on transmon qubit-based
electromechanical device. We achieve a single-photon coupling rate of 160 kHz,
which is nearly 4% of the mechanical mode frequency. Consequently, we observe
frequency combs down to a single-photon level. The observation of microwave
frequency combs at single-photon levels could have applications in critical
parametric quantum sensing.

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Meeting ID: 873 6398 1348
Passcode: c#0bQ5