State of the Universe

Theoretical solutions to cosmic tensions

by Dr. Tanvi Karwal (KITP)

Friday, August 16, 2024 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at A304 and on zoom : Meeting ID: 825 1295 6967 Passcode: 384194
The standard LCDM model of cosmology is discrepant when its parameters are constrained using early- vs. late-universe observations. Specifically, two intriguing tensions have emerged - the Hubble and the weak-lensing S8 tensions, which may hint at new physics. I have worked extensively on interpreting the Hubble tension as arising from new physics, proposing one of the most successful models to resolve the tension - early dark energy (EDE), which inspired several similar models in the literature. I have also phenomenologically explored the S8 tension and in this talk, I will present my learnings - theoretical insights into resolving the tensions, challenges to models beyond LCDM and applications of this research to questions beyond cosmic anomalies.