Wednesday Colloquia

Exploring the Unknown Territory : An Experimenters’ Dream

by Dr. Dr. Gagan Mohanty (DHEP, TIFR, Mumbai)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
“The Standard Model (SM) of elementary particles, the theoretical framework which describes basic building blocks of matter and fundamental interactions between them, has been remarkably successful interpreting all the experimental data available so far. Although we have many reasons to believe that the SM is not the full story, experimentally there are few evidences for, and some intriguing hints of, looking beyond the SM. None of them has been a crystal-clear case to pin-point the exact nature of new physics. I plan to take a stock of current state-of-art measurements carried out at, and to spell out the future plan of, the CMS experiment at the CERN laboratory in Switzerland and the Belle experiment at the KEK laboratory in Japan. In the process, I shall dwell on how these two experiments, based on two complementary approaches – one running at the energy frontier and the other at the luminosity frontier, are poised to break the wall that separates the SM from physics beyond it.”
Organised by Nitin Chaudhari