Random Interactions

Dynamo Transition and Reversals

by Prof. Mahendra Verma (IIT, Kanpur)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A304 )
Generation of magnetic fields in planets, stars, and galaxies, also
known as the dynamo, is an outstanding problem.   Recent experiments
and simulations explore the conditions of the dynamo transition, as well
behaviour near the transition. Various periodic, quasiperiodic,
chaotic dynamo states have been observed near the transition in dynamo 
experiments and simulations.  Another intriguing feature of the dynamo
is reversal of the magnetic field.   Both the solar- and geo-magnetic
fields are known to reverse.  In the present talk we will present some
of the recent results related to the above issues.  We will also
present certain similarities of the dynamo reversal with 
reversals observed in convection.