ASET Colloquium

Web to Cloud!!!

by Mr. Prabhakar S. Dhekne (Raja Ramanna Fellow, BARC)

Friday, October 14, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
Advances in computational technology continue to transform Science and Technology research, practice, and allied education. Tim Berners-Lee developed the Web at CERN as a tool for exchanging information between the partners in physics collaborations. It was the international particle physics community who first embraced the Web. It became the 'Killer' application for the Internet that transformed modern world - academia, business and leisure. 

Indian scientists working on Large Hadran Collider (LHC) are building large detector systems, so that they take part in data analysis and extraction of physics information from huge amount of raw experimental data. The World Wide Grid Technology driven again by High Energy Researchers at CERN, Geneva has now reached out from high-energy physics to e-governance and then in medical, geophysics, and weather thus forming a very important worldwide Information backbone. 

Nowadays, e-science and e-infrastructure are considered key enablers of the progress and sustainable development of a country. The Government of India realizing this has set up a High-Level Committee for the establishment of a National Knowledge Network (NKN). The National Informatics Centre (NIC) is implementing the NKN. With the 10/40/100 Gb scalable bandwidth resources and the low latency fiber based connectivity of NKN, it is certain that NKN would be one of the most widely used connectivity infrastructures in India. 

The Cloud Computing has gained a lot of momentum in India with the launch of NKN. This presentation will track developments of Web, Grid, e-Science & Cloud computing and provide overview of latest status of NKN and briefly describe currently running applications on NKN. 

Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette