School of Technology and Computer Science Seminars

Towards Coding for Maximum Errors in Interactive Communication

by Mr. Swagato Sanyal (School of Technology and Computer Science)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-212 (STCS Seminar Room) )
We show that it is possible to encode any communication protocol between two parties so that the protocol succeeds even if a (1/4 − epsilon) fraction of all symbols transmitted by the parties are corrupted adversarially, at a cost of increasing the communication in the protocol by a constant factor (the constant depends on epsilon). This encoding uses a constant sized alphabet. This improves on an earlier result of Schulman, who showed how to recover when the fraction of errors is bounded by 1/240. We also show how to simulate an arbitrary protocol with a protocol using the binary alphabet, a constant factor increase in communication and tolerating a 1/8 − epsilon fraction of errors.