Wednesday Colloquia

Energy, solar and photovoltaics

by Prof. Gary Hodes (Dept. of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
The present status of photovoltaic cells, with particular emphasis on 3rd generation nanoporous cells will be given. The talk will start with a general overview of the world’s energy requirements, the present and projected energy sources, followed by specifically renewable energy sources. We will then focus on solar energy, which is by far the most extensive renewable energy source available. Our area of interest will then be further narrowed down to quantum solar energy conversion followed by  photovoltaics. After a brief description of photovoltaic cells and their limitations, we will briefly describe the 1st and 2nd (already commercial) generation cells, followed by a somewhat more detailed description of research on 3rd generation cells. Finally, some aspects of nanoporous cells, the main subject of the author’s research, will be discussed.