ASET Colloquium


by Dr. Sandip Tandon (Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai)

Friday, February 17, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
The human body is a complex dynamic machine with multiple interrelated and interdependent anatomical, physiological and biochemical processes working together with great precision. Any imbalance or interruption of even a single one of these intricate mechanisms either due to internal or external factors, will give rise to malfunction and manifest with varied symptoms and signs which may or may not be specific to a particular organ system, but related to an entire process due to numerous complex interactions eg. Cough and Breathlessness though commonly attributed to the Respiratory System have many other causes. I shall take you on a short journey discussing with you basic respiratory symptoms and briefly touch upon some common respiratory diseases like Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, TB and some less commonly known diseases like Sleep Apnea Syndrome and try to address common apprehensions related to some of them. I shall also demonstrate various Inhalers and related Devices commonly used for Asthma to address any doubts on their usage techniques. 

 About Dr. Sandeep Tandon : 

Dr. Sandeep Tandon graduated from TN Medical College (Nair Hospital) in 1991 and completed post-graduation in Respiratory Medicine from Seth GS Medical College (KEM Hospital) in 1994. He worked as Faculty at Dept of Chest Medicine, KEM Hospital until 2002 and also spent a year in 1999-2000 at Newcastle, UK on the British Thoracic Society Fellowship. Dr. Tandon joined Tata Memorial Hospital in 2002 where he is currently working as Associate Professor in the Pulmonary Medical Unit. Dr. Tandon also has the additional administrative responsibility since 2006 as the Staff Physician, Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH), looking after the health of more than 3000 employees of TMH. He has a keen interest in patient education and training healthcare providers.   
Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette