ASET Colloquium

CIBIL Credit Education Program

by Ms. Harshala Chandorkar (Senior Vice President- Consumer Relations, Communication & CIC Compliance, CIBIL)

Friday, June 15, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
We are all familiar with the anxiety and uncertainty that we feel when applying for a loan. After all, it’s the lender who decides whether we can own our dream home, our first car, or whether our children can pursue higher education. In a nutshell, a better life depends on the lender’s decisions. 

While other factors do play a part in the lender’s decision, the CIBIL TransUnion Score and CIBIL credit report plays a crucial role in a lender’s decision to approve a loan application. It is therefore essential to understand your credit history and its role towards your financial well being. 

Objective of the training program: To educate and spread awareness on credit discipline and credit scores and its importance for the financial well being of professionals 


Why your credit history and credit score is vital for your financial well being?
Why should you know your credit history and credit score? How is your credit score calculated?
How to read your credit report?
How to use it to your benefit? 
How can you get inaccuracies resolved in your credit report?
How can you build a good credit history and score? 
Queries from audiences

About CIBIL:

Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL) is the pioneer and leading Credit Information Company in India. CIBIL provides comprehensive credit information on consumer and commercial credit to credit grantors, individual consumers and business entities in India. CIBIL’s advanced analytic and risk management tools help credit grantors mitigate risk and ensure superior portfolio performance. 

About Ms. Harshala Chandorkar: 

Ms. Harshala Chandorkar is the Senior Vice President- Consumer Relations, Communication & CIC Compliance at CIBIL. She has been with CIBIL since its inception in 2000. Harshala is a member of the pioneering team that established credit information infrastructure in India. Harshala is a qualified Chartered Accountant and her financial background coupled with her experience and expertise in credit information domain has helped her gain a respectable position in the industry. 

Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette