ASET Colloquium

High resolution gamma--ray spectroscopy today and tomorrow

by Prof. Gilles de France (GANIL)

Friday, January 11, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
High resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy is a major tool to investigate the microscopic nature of nuclear structure.The EXOGAM array, one of the most efficient array worldwide is installed at GANIL since 2001. During these ten years, it has been extensively used in various experimental areas of the laboratory  under many different configurations and attacking several physics problems.The physics outcome of such an intense use is  vast and covers many facets of both nuclear structure and reaction mechanism studies. In this talk,I will put an emphasis on results obtained recently in self-conjugate(N=Z) nuclei which indicate the possible manifestation of a new form of superfluidity in nuclear matter. In 2012, the array has been moved to the high neutron flux reactor of the ILL for an experimental campaign of about four months ( two reactor cycles). The physics programme of this campaign will be briefly described. After this decade of exploitation, it is time for the EXOGAM array to be upgraded by equipping the detectors with a new full digital electronics. This is the purpose of the EXOGAM2 project which is currently developing. the status of this development will be given. Finally, the next generation of radioactive beam facilities will come online in the next few years. At GANIL the SPIRAL2 facility is under construction. A brief description of the future facility will be given. 

Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette