Wednesday Colloquia

Shake to make or break: Protein dynamics revealed through the computational microscope

by Dr. Ravindra Venkatramani ((Department of Chemical Sciences, T.I.F.R.))

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( Lecture Theatre (AG-66) )
TIFR, Mumbai
“Thermal motions of biomolecules drive many cellular processes crucial for life. Weeding out the biomolecular degrees of freedom relevant for a given biophysical/biochemical process is a formidable problem at the interface of physics, chemistry, and biology. I will present stories from our theoretical/computational work, which highlight the role of collective motions in: 1) GPCR mediated ligand release from G-proteins, and 2) the synthesis of DNA in a DNA-polymerase enzyme. I will also discuss how such collective motions can be detected experimentally.”