Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

Noise Kernel for Self Similar Tolman Bondi metric: Fluctuations on Cauchy Horizon

by Dr. Seema Satin (IMSc, Chennai)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( DAA A269 )
 I will begin with an introduction to Einstein Langevin Equation its solution and related issues in Stochastic Gravity. Then, I will discuss about a method to calculate Noise Kernel in ultrastatic spacetimes and finally present our calculation and results for self similar Tolman Bondi metric.
Our results show divergence of the Noise Kernel (for non-coincident limit) at the Cauchy Horizon, while it is regular throughout the rest of the spacetime region. In case of formation of covered singularity the Noise kernel is regular everywhere , including the event horizon. Thus, the aim of this work is to show, a marked difference between the naked singularity and covered singularity and how it arises. This framework may indicate more probes to study, as to why we observe this difference. However the result we have obtained is open to investigations and no known reason is accounted for this divergence at the CH. 
In the last part of the talk, I will address issues related to this divergence and mention directions for further study.