ASET Colloquium

Advanced imaging with light

by Prof. Kishan Dholakia (Uniiversity of St Andrews, Scotland)

Friday, May 3, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
Imaging with light is at the heart of many advances across all of the sciences. Int his talk, I will review the areas of confocal, multiphoton imaging and progress to describe new ways of imaging that go beyond the diffraction limit. This will include the methods of structured illumination and stimulated time emission depletion microscopy (STED). Finally I will include the latest studies looking at light sheet microscopy that promises a revolution in imaging large objects such as embryos or the brain, in the optical domain 

About Prof. Kishan Dholakia:

Prof Kishan Dholakia obtained his PhD from Imperial College, London in 1993 on laser cooling and trapping of ions. Thereafter, he has been associated with the University of St Andrews, Scotland in various positions, where currently, as a Professor of Physics, he leads a research group in Optical micromanipulation. The research aims of the group involve investigations of novel light fields, the characterisation of particle dynamics in such fields, the development of optical traps within microfluidic environments, and the exploration of novel laser techniques for cell biology and medicine. Prof Dholakia's research output boasts of over 250 research papers, over 300 conference proceedings, an h-index of 53, and six patents out of which one realized the world's first commercial multibeam optical trap. Over the years, Prof Dholakia has been honoured with several awards including the European Optics Prize for optical micromanipulation, Highlight Researcher of the decade from UK EPSRC, and the Royal Society's Wolfson Merit Award. He has been elected to the fellowships of IOP, Royal Society of Edinburgh, SPIE, OSA and has just recently been elected to the International Council of the OSA. 

Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette