ASET Colloquium

Omnipresent Ethernet: From Concepts to Products

by Prof. Ashwin Gumaste (Institute Chair Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay)

Friday, December 6, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
The talk begins with the clean-slate design problem of the Internet along with current service provider pain-points, focusing on plausible solutions, narrowing to the concept of Omnipresent Ethernet or OE. The OE concept is introduced as next generation carrier-class Internet architecture. OE extends Ethernet for end-to-end provisioning across the LAN, MAN and WAN, using concepts of Carrier Ethernet in conjunction with simple network architectural understanding. The advantages of OE such as low-latency, low energy, small foot print are discussed. OE working is presented especially in conjunction with some of the advances in Carrier Ethernet. Mapping OE to multiple layers of the protocol stack and some of the base problems that we have considered will also be showcased. A pragmatic 1-micro-second port-to-port supporting 96 Gbps cross-connect Carrier Ethernet Switch Router will be presented. The working, analysis and the development of this architecture is discussed. OE has led to a family of products, conceptualized, designed, prototyped at IIT Bombay and now made available through DAE's PSU the Electronics Corporation of India Ltd, ECIL ( We will give an overview of these products, how these have been developed, the internal workings of the hardware and software as well as deployments in the nation's leading networks and data-centers. Some open problems will also be presented.

About Prof. Ashwin Gumaste:

Ashwin Gumaste was the J. R. Isaac Chair Assistant Professor during 2008-2012 at IIT Bombay. He was a Visiting Scholar with the MIT. He was previously with Fujitsu Laboratories (USA) (2001-05), Fujitsu Network Communications R&D, Cisco Systems and Nokia Siemens Networks. His work on light-trails has been widely referred, deployed and recognized by both industry and academia. His recent work on Omnipresent Ethernet has been adopted by tier-1 service providers and also resulted in the largest ever acquisition between any IIT and the industry. Ashwin has 20 granted US patents. Ashwin has published about 150 papers in referred conferences and journals and authored three books. He was awarded the DAE-SRC Outstanding Research Investigator Award (2010), Indian National Academy of Engineering’s (INAE) Young Engineer Award (2010), Vikram Sarabhai Research Award (2012),IBM Faculty Award (2012) and PK Patwardhan Award (2013). Ashwin is a guest editor for IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Network and the Chair of the IEEE Communication Society's Technical Committee on High Speed Networks (TCHSN) 2011-2013. He convenes the Gigabit Networking Laboratory (GNL) at IIT Bombay.  

Organised by Dr.Satyanarayana Bheesette