Theoretical Physics Colloquium

Cosmological constraints from galaxy surveys

by Dr. Surhud More (Kavli Institute for Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo)

Thursday, November 7, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG69 )
The distribution of galaxies in the Universe traces the distribution of matter. Therefore, observations of galaxies can provide important information about the cosmological parameters. I will present how a joint analysis of the abundance of galaxies, their clustering, and the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal can be used to probe the connection between galaxies and their dark matter halos, as well as the cosmological parameters. We have obtained one of the tightest constraints on the matter density parameter Ωm and amplitude of primordial density fluctuations quantified by σ8 from such an analysis using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-I data. I will show how the galaxy-dark matter connection inferred from our analysis can be used to improve the cosmological constraints from galaxy surveys in the near future. I will also briefly discuss SuMiRe, a planned survey using the prime focus at Subaru and present how our analysis can be ported to further improve the cosmological constraints.