Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

AGN Jets from Different Angles: Results from Multi-scale, Multi-wavelength Observations

by Dr. Preeti Kharb (Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( Lecture Theatre (AG-66) )
Jet formation and propagation are important open questions in AGN
physics. While we have a working understanding of jets, the details
still escape us. I will discuss our observational findings on jets
in AGN on parsec-scales close to their launching sites, as well as
on kiloparsec scales as they propagate through the interstellar and
intergalactic medium. Radio polarization studies highlight the
important role played by the magnetic fields in creating and collimating
the jets. Furthermore, there are suggestions of the presence of ordered
(helical?) magnetic fields on parsec-scales. A correlation is observed
between the jet speeds on parsec-scales and the lobe emission on
kiloparsec-scales, which points to a close connection between radio
emission on spatial scales that differ by a factor of 10^4-10^5, and
undermines the role played by the environment on jet propagation. Our
multi-wavelength observations of kiloparsec-scale jets in blazars with
the Very Large Array, Chandra and Hubble Space Telescopes are beginning
to probe the emission mechanisms of the optical and X-ray jets closely,
and are lending valuable insights into the formation of low and high power