Wednesday Colloquia

Resonating valence bond states : A quantum information perspective

by Dr. Ujjwal Sen (Resonating valence bond states : A quantum information perspective)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
A bridge seems to exist between the topics that are broadly referred to as many-body science and quantum information. There are several perspectives to that gangplank, and we will discuss about one that involves resonating valence bond (RVB) states, an interesting class of quantum states potentially relevant in areas ranging from high temperature superconductors to quantum computers.

We will advertise an analytical method to investigate properties of RVB states, in particular, their multisite quantum correlations. We will find that the latter can distinguish whether a ladder has an odd or an even number of legs.

1] New J Phys 15, 013043 (2013) 
     H. S. Dhar, A. Sen(De) and U. Sen
2] Phys Rev Lett 111, 070501 (2013)
     H. S. Dhar, A. Sen(De) and U. Sen