School of Technology and Computer Science Seminars

Light-trail and FISSION Architectures for Metropolitan and Data-Center Networking

by Dr. Ashwin Gumaste (Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai)

Thursday, October 16, 2014 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-80
The talk begins by highlighting the communication problem in metropolitan regions and for content providers i.e. the use of data-centers. The concept of light-trails is proposed as a solution to solving the IP over WDM paradox. Light-trail implementation and protocols for growth of a virtual topology are discussed. Subsequently, implementation of light-trails in commercial scenarios is highlighted. The second part of the talk uses light-trails as an enabler towards data-center design. The resuling architecture called FISSION or Flexible Interconnection of Scalable Systems Integrated using Optical Networks is presented. FISSION allows a data-center to scale to previously un-achievable number of servers. Engineering challenges and optimization aspects of FISSION are presented. The talk concludes with new opportunities for research in the metropolitan and data-center space.