DCMPMS Seminars

Intense THz generation detection and its applications

by Dr. Gargi Sharma (Submillimeter Wave Technology, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG80
Terahertz (THz) frequency band lies between 0.1 and 10 THz, are one of the least explored regions in the electromagnetic spectrum. Several important phenomena take place in this frequency range, making THz a field of substantial interest to the research community. The fact that one can coherently detect THz radiations makes it a very important tool for studying the fundamental properties of various molecules. Further, THz frequencies also have a huge potential in imaging, offering several advantages over conventional imaging and spectroscopy techniques. For example, its low photon energy (4.1 meV) allows THz radiation to penetrate through many materials (such as wood or plastic) without photoionizing the molecule, unlike X-ray radiation. These two fundamental properties make THz technology a potential tool for several non-destructive imaging and spectroscopic applications.  In spite of all these applications and with all the research going on, the field of THz nonlinear spectroscopy is still at its infant stage. The main limitation is the availability of high power THz sources and detectors. Researchers all over the world are working on the ways to generate and detect high power THz sources. 
In my talk, I will be discussing some of the efficient ways to generate and detect high power THz radiations and their applications in imaging and linear and non-linear spectroscopy.