DCMPMS Seminars

Nucleation vs Percolation: Different modes of Fracture

by Mr. Subhadeep Roy (Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai)

Monday, April 11, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG80
Disorder as well as range of stress redistribution plays a crucial role in determining the process or mode of fracture. At low disorder the fracture process becomes abrupt like brittle material while with increasing disorder value breaking of object happens with a continuous increment of stress in successive avalanches. On the other hand with increment in range the spatial correlation in rupture events vanishes. So by varying both range and disorder we will get fracture processes as different combination of random or correlated as well as abrupt or non-abrupt. This different pictures are captured through a two dimensional.   Range-Disorder plane showing all the regions at mentioned two parameters.