Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

Precision control of a laser interferometric gravitational wave antenna

by Dr. Kiwamu Izumi (LIGO Hanford Observatory, USA)

Friday, August 19, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at TIFR ( A269 )
We are entering an exciting era in which gravitational waves can be detected routinely. The advanced LIGO interferometers
reached a strain sensitivity of 8e-24/sqrtHz at around 100 Hz which allowed us for detecting GW150914. To get to such high 
sensitivity, advanced LIGO had to conquer a number of technical challenges in its interferometric control. In this talk, 
I will talk about lock acquisition of the advanced LIGO interferometers, which had been a big concern but is now largely 
addressed by introducing auxiliary 532 nm lasers, and various 
simulation studies in an effort to achieve low noise and stable control of the interferometers