Wednesday Colloquia

Cosmic Relativity : New discoveries concerning dynamics, electrodynamics, relativity, and the propagation of light

by Prof. C.S. Unnikrishnan (Department of High energy Physics, T.I.F.R)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
“This aims to be a comprehensive and accessible review of the theory of Cosmic Relativity and its empirical evidence.  Cosmic Relativity asserts that the gravity of all the matter in the universe determines the laws of motion, propagation of light, timing of clocks and all of relativistic effects. It is a new paradigm for physics and a grand generalization of Mach’s idea to all of physics, with matter-filled universe as the deciding frame, representing the ‘absolute’ and replacing the old ether.  My primary discovery from experiments in this context is that the speed of light relative to inertial observers is not a constant and this invalidates the celebrated theory of special relativity. I will argue that the fundamental law of motion – Newton’s law – has its basis in cosmic gravity. This will then answer clearly why all matter fall at the same rate in a gravitational field. The missing cosmic piece in Einstein’s equations of general relativity is suitably restored.  Deep physics of the spin-statistics connection gets linked to cosmic gravity. Faraday’s and Ampere’s surprising discoveries on the induction of current in a constant magnetic field, remaining enigmatic even today,  are finally clarified with new input to electrodynamics. Cosmic Relativity represents our best insight so far on the centuries-old debate on the absolute vs. the relative, with precise answers for a number of open questions addressed by Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Mach, Lorentz, Poincaré and Einstein. A paradigm change, in which Cosmic Relativity replaces the experimentally invalidated special theory of relativity, is compelling and inevitable because the cosmos is not empty.”
Organised by Nitin Chaudhari