ASET Colloquium

The Science and Legacy of Richard Phillips Feynman

by Prof. Apoorva Patel (Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru)

Friday, September 27, 2019 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-66
The birth centenary of Richard Feynman was celebrated last year. This colloquium commemorates his scientific contributions and their lasting impact, combined with some personal recollections.

About the Speaker:
Apoorva D. Patel is a Professor at the Centre for High Energy Physics at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He obtained his MSc in Physics (1980) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, and his PhD in Physics (1984) from the California Institute of Technology, USA. He has extensively worked on lattice gauge theory investigations of Quantum Chromodynamics. He is also notable for his work on quantum algorithms, and the application of information theory concepts to understand the structure of genetic languages.
Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette
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