Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

How to publish (and write) an impactful paper in Nature Astronomy

by Dr. Marios Karouzos (Senior Editor, Nature Astronomy, UK)

Monday, August 30, 2021 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Zoom link: ( (Meeting ID: 967 5215 1263 ; Passcode: 232511) )
Meeting ID: 967 5215 1263 Passcode: 232511
In a rapidly inflating scientific literature, making your paper stand above the noise is more important and trickier than ever. To do so, you need good science, good writing and a high-quality journal to help you achieve the widest possible dissemination of your work. Nature Astronomy, launched in 2017, is a research journal published by Springer Nature. Sitting alongside our sister journal Nature, we publish high impact research in the fields of astronomy, astrophysics and planetary science. In this talk, I will cover the motivation and scope of the journal, and the types of manuscripts we publish. I will demystify the editorial process and what we look for in papers (and shoot down some urban myths about what it takes to be published in a Nature journal in the process). I will also cover common pitfalls of writing and submitting papers and I will share hints and tips on how to maximize the impact of your paper, from writing an engaging but informative title and a properly contextualized but concise abstract, to structuring your paper in a way that your results are communicated clearly and succinctly.