DCMPMS Seminars

High magnetic field for material science research

by Dr. Km Rubi (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA)

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG 80 https://zoom.us/j/94805584304?pwd=bmc5OW5TQVQxMXNyUHk2WUxUZWZHQT09 Meeting ID: 948 0558 4304 Passcode: 014595
A high magnetic field (> 20 Tesla) exceptionally uncovers new quantum phases of matter and reveals the origins of new exotic physical phenomena. The Nobel prize-winning discoveries that exploited high magnetic fields are quantum Hall effects (integer and fractional), high- Tc superconductivity, superfluidity of helium-3, and room-temperature quantum Hall effect in graphene. The magnets that create a high continuous or pulsed magnetic field are not commercially available. They are designed and built in the few high magnetic field laboratories worldwide, especially for conducting scientific research.
In this talk, I will present an overview of high-field magnets and the series of experimental techniques/probes I have codeveloped to reveal the characteristics of materials in the high- field environment. By briefly presenting my three recent research (1) De Haas-Van Alphen oscillations in CeLiBi2, (2) quantum Hall effect in graphene/oxide, and (3) magneto-transport on nickelates superconductors, I will justify why the high magnetic field is essential to map the Fermi surface of metals, to investigate quantum phenomena in semiconductors, or to evaluate the dimensionality of some specific superconductors. Finally, I will present my future research proposal on investigating quantum materials in the high magnetic field and my plan to develop a high pulsed magnetic field laboratory at TIFR Mumbai.