DCMPMS Seminars

Magnetic Quantum Materials: An Exploration of Growth Strategies for Unleashing Unprecedented Topological Response and Functional Properties

by Dr. Chandan De (The Pennsylvania State University, USA)

Friday, April 7, 2023 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG66
Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96877761754 Meeting ID: 968 7776 1754 Passcode: 790097
The synthesis of bulk crystals, thin films, and nanostructures is a crucial aspect of advancing the frontiers of quantum materials. In this research seminar, I will provide a synthesis perspective on how the discovery of quantum materials occurs and how their exotic properties are encountered. Firstly, I will introduce a general paradigm of bulk crystal growth of quantum materials using various techniques and how bulk crystal growers strategically encounter exotic phenomena, exploiting materials composition, structure, symmetry, and topology. Then, I will discuss in detail my recent discovery of colossal angular magneto resistance in a ferrimagnetic nodal line semiconductor Mn3Si2Te6, with an extremely large angular response of magnetotransport (~1010). I will also briefly discuss my recent discovery of a new class of room temperature ferroelectric chalcogenide characterized by Piezo Force Microscopy. Finally, I will conclude my talk by discussing recent trends and future directions in magnetic quantum materials/2D  materials.