Free Meson Seminars
QED effects on exclusive and inclusive $B$ meson decays
by Mr. Dayanand Mishra (PRL, Ahmedabad)
Friday, April 21, 2023
at A304 and on zoom
at A304 and on zoom
Description |
Please contact rishi(at)theory(dot)tifr(dot)res(dot)in for the zoom meeting id and the password for this seminar. In this talk, I will discuss soft photon QED effects on the various observables such as $R_K$ and $R_D$. I will show that, in general, collinear logs can enhance the corrections but by choosing the kinematical variables in a photon-inclusive way, these collinear divergences can be removed. Furthermore, I will demonstrate that the newly proposed observable, $\frac{|V_{ub}|}{|V_{cb}|}$, is robust against these QED effects. Additionally, I will discuss radiative inclusive $B$ decays, specifically $B \to X_u \ell \nu_{\ell}\gamma$, and an efficient complementary method to calculate the non- perturbative parameters $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_2$. |