ASET Colloquium

Better Quantum Computers via Machine Learning

by Prof. Florian Marquardt (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen)

Friday, May 12, 2023 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Hybrid ( )
AG-66, TIFR, Mumbai
Machine learning is producing a revolution in science and technology. Complex quantum devices require sophisticated control. Discovering such control strategies from scratch with the help of machine learning will enable us to keep pace with the ever-increasing demands encountered when scaling up quantum computers. In this talk, I will describe how the field of reinforcement learning can deliver on this promise. I will present examples ranging from the optimization of quantum circuits to the model-based discovery of better quantum feedback strategies. Moreover, in a recent collaboration with our experimental colleagues, we could show how to train a novel latency-optimized neural network by reinforcement learning in an experiment, acting on a superconducting qubit in cycles of less than one microsecond.

About the Speaker:
Prof. Florian Marquardt is a theoretical physicist, mostly working at the intersection of nanophysics and quantum optics. Florian received his Ph.D. at U Basel where he worked with Prof. C. Bruder. He was a post-doctoral scholar at Basel and at Prof. Steve Girvin’s group at Yale before joining Ludwig-Maximillians University in 2005 as a Junior Research Group Leader. Florian became Full professor at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in 2010, and since 2016 he is a scientific director at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen.
Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette