Wednesday Colloquia
High sensitivity Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy for quantum technologies
by Dr. Vishal Ranjan (TIFR Hyderabad)
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
at AG-66 and via ZOOM webinar ( Zoom link: )
at AG-66 and via ZOOM webinar ( Zoom link: )
Meeting ID: 979 6325 9354
Pass code: 04072020
Description |
In a conventional electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrometer based on the inductive detection method, the paramagnetic spins precess in an external magnetic field radiating weak microwave signals into a resonant cavity. Despite its widespread use, ESR spectroscopy has limited sensitivity and large amounts of spins ~10^12 are necessary to accumulate sufficient signal. Exploiting recent progress in circuit-quantum electrodynamics, we have combined high quality factor superconducting micro-resonators and noise-less Josephson Parametric Amplifiers to perform ESR spectroscopy at millikelvin temperatures, reaching a new regime where the sensitivity is limited by the quantum vacuum fluctuations of the microwave field. In this talk, I will discuss this new ESR regime and its prospects for quantum technologies. |