State of the Universe

Reconstructing the Early and Late-time Universe

by Dr. Kushal Lodha (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)

Monday, January 29, 2024 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at A304 and on zoom : Meeting ID: 825 1295 6967 Passcode: 384194
Despite the success of the standard LCDM model in explaining current observations, the imminent wave of future CMB and LSS data motivates a search for even more robust cosmological frameworks. I will present some bottom-up approaches for reconstructing the early and late universe. In the first half of the talk, I will discuss using genetic algorithms to find features in the primordial power spectrum. In the second half, I will cover our ongoing work to reconstruct dark energy and modified gravity using Gaussian processes and Crossing statistics. If time permits, I will also discuss how these techniques could also be used for consistency checks between cosmological datasets.