Chemical Sciences Seminars

Chemical Nanobiotechnology: A Tool for Targeting Cell Signaling

by Dr. Sudipta Basu (Harvard-MIT Division of Health, Science and Technology, USA)

Friday, June 3, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-80 )
Cellular behavior like survival, growth, differentiation and metabolism are strictly regulated by complex network of signaling pathways. In multicellular organisms these signaling network is dependent on three parameters like concentration, spatial and temporal dynamics. Hence it is extremely important to understand these parameters to predict the cellular behavior. My strategy is to address this by merging my strength in ‘chemical biology’ and ‘nanotechnology’ to develop novel program in “chemical nanobiotechnology”, where the understanding of biology will inspire the design of novel chemical structures that are spatiotemporally displayed to a cell using integrated nanotechnology platforms. In this talk, I will describe the chemical nanobiotechnology tools and techniques that I propose to develop to probe concentration, spatial and temporal dynamics of cell signaling. These chemical nanobiotechnology based tools will help to open new direction towards better understanding of basic biological questions.