ASET Colloquium

Clinical Trials- facts and myths!

by Dr. Reena Nair (Professor, Department of Medical Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai)

Friday, July 1, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
Clinical research is an indispensible part of drug/ therapy discovery process to ensure safety and efficacy of the new treatment. Although a set of guidelines govern the conduct of clinical trials in our country, they are still looked upon as an area of humanitarian concern. 

Various publications have enumerated the opportunities and threats of conducting human research in India. Most of these are the perceptions of authors who have not conducted trials themselves. Having worked in oncology trials for the last 15 years and understood our strengths and weaknesses, I will discuss- opportunities available in our clinics, patients rights and safety, regulatory framework, infrastructure, ethics committees, and quality of training and data from India. 

" Well conducted trials have built in provision to ensure patient safety". In fact patients are far safer in trials than in routine medical practice. Clinical research also offers value added infrastructural incentives that our institutes are much in need of. 

About Dr. Reena Nair: 

Dr. Reena Nair did her medicine from Goa Medical College, Panjim. She published 165 research papers and articles. Dr. Nair was awarded the prestigious Dr J G Parekh Oration for 2010. She is a member of a large number of national and international professional bodies and held important positions in the same.

Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette