Wednesday Colloquia

"Another neutrino mystery?"

by Prof. Antonio Ereditato (Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics Laboratory for High Energy Physics University of Bern)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
"The neutrino is certainly among the most fascinating "animals" of the "zoo" of elementary particles. Its peculiar nature has continuously
challenged physicist since its birth in 1930. With time, we have been able to learn about some of its properties and mysteries.
This will be briefly reviewed, taking a snapshot of the present situation in relation to the prominent role of the neutrino in the Universe. 
In the last two decades, the observed phenomenon of neutrino oscillation has once more
brought the neutrino to the attention of researchers setting the scene for future studies and explorations.
Very recently, the anomaly reported by the OPERA experiment from the measurement of the neutrino velocity has further complicated the situation.
Is the neutrino telling us about one more of its mysteries?"