ASET Colloquium

A perspective on trading in Indian Stock Exchanges, 1991 to 2012

by Mr. Ashish Chauhan (BSE, India)

Friday, September 7, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
 The talk will discuss the issues that faced Indian stock markets
in 1991, the solutions implemented and current situation. It will also
touch upon areas of automation of stock exchanges, algorithm trading, IT
design issues etc for trading, clearing and settlement systems etc.

SPEAKER'S PROFILE: Mr. Chauhan (44) holds a B.Tech in Mechanical
Engineering from IIT Bombay and an MBA from IIM Calcutta. At BSE, he has
been responsible for bringing the mobile based stock trading in India,
introducing web based IPO, web based mutual fund distribution framework,
cloud based order routing services to members and their customers and
several other innovations. Mr. Chauhan was part of the 5 member team which
has set up National Stock Exchange (NSE). He has held many top positions
in the Reliance group and currently serves on the Board of Directors of
many corporates. He has won several International and Indian awards in
providing the best IT solutions for different industries he has worked for
including stock markets, petrochemicals, telecommunications etc. 
Organised by Dr. satyanarayana Bheesette