ASET Colloquium

How Good is my Idea: Understanding Opportunity Evaluation

by Mr. Raj Bhat (Chief Mentor, National Entrepreneurship Network)

Friday, October 19, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
 How Good is your idea? In a world of information overload, potential entrepreneurs are often challenged while choosing an enterprising idea for their enterprise. These questions can often perplex a startup entrepreneur or a seasoned businessman on 'How do I know the idea I am pursuing will make money'.

Choosing a good idea cannot be a roll of a dice. It can be a well thought out process using a simple framework. The trick is to analyse all ideas sitting in a classroom by just putting a pen to paper. Test driving an idea can be fun if you are able to do this at practically no cost.

I will try to bring about the subtle process of Opportunity Evaluation for ideas.  

About Mr. Raj Bhat:

Mr. Raj Bhat has over 18 years of experience in entrepreneurship. Having started his career with one of India's top IT firms, he went on to launch his own enterprise in the area of Web development while the Internet was still a fledgling business opportunity. Having led his startup through the boom and bust of the Internet age, Mr. Bhat has successfully transitioned to the role of entrepreneurship educator and mentor. Mr. Bhat holds a post-graduate degree in Business Management from the University of Mumbai. 
Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette