Wednesday Colloquia

DNA structural motifs as regulatory elements: The Emerging Story of DNA Quadruplexes

by Prof. Shantanu Chowdhury (CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( Lecture Theatre, AG-66 )

	Emerging evidence builds support for the intriguing possibility that gene transcription could be regulated by alternative DNA secondary structure. In order to understand this poorly appreciated area of transcription we used the well-formed guanine quartet (quadruplex) DNA structure as a case study and sought to analyze its relationship with higher order biological processes that influence transcription. This was primarily based on the hypothesis that quadruplex DNA forms must engage trans-factors (proteins) for gene regulatory function. We used genomic tools to test global DNA-protein interactions along with transcriptional status of human cultured cells. We further studied quadruplex DNA forms in the context of nucleosome positioning and DNA methylation. Insights from these findings present an interesting theme involving role of DNA structure and its functional relevance.


	Prof. Chowdhury is noted for his work on gene regulation by guanine rich DNA motifs called G-quadruplexes in bacteria and proposing a global regulatory repertoire of this motif. Prof. Chowdhury's contributions towards understanding of G-quadruplex regulatory biology also include observations that G-quadruplex motifs exclude nucleosome positioning and adversely affect the DNA methylation patterns. He is a Wellcome Trust DBT Alliance Senior Research Fellow and recipient of Swarnajayanthi fellowship and Bhatnagar award in 2012.