Wednesday Colloquia

Overview of results from LHC and its future physics program

by Prof. Luigi Rolandi (Senior Physicist, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)

Thursday, January 17, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG - 66 (Lecture Theatre) )
	LHC has delivered some 30 fb-1 of luminosity to ATLAS and CMS at the center of mass energy of 7 and 8 TeV. Using this large data set at the high energy frontier the two experiments have produced a large number of papers including the observation of a new boson and stringent limits on Super Symmetry. The energy upgrade to 13.5 TeV foreseen for 2015 and the high luminosity phase foreseen for after 2020 will offer new opportunities for searches beyond the Standard Model.